Update: 1.0.1: Meet the Chaser!

Hello Princesses

Daddy's back from getting smokes with a tiny update with some bugfixes, and a new enemy to make your lives a living hell!

It has come to my attention that players can "speedrun" the first level by escaping enemies. This is unacceptable. The name of the game is "Princess Rescue" not "Princess Evacuation." So here I am to completely buttfuck your speedrunning plans. Say hello to the Chaser.

If you try to escape from an encounter that has a Drone Controller, whether you've beaten him or not, he will sick the chaser on you. Unlike the drone controller, the chaser is perfectly capable of droning your entire party if you allow it. It doesn't NEED to hypnotize your princesses; it will just grab her, throw her inside, work her over, and spit her out as a drone. To further discourage speedrunning, the chaser does NOT give EXP or bits and you literally cannot escape it because it is on wheels and can move faster than you can run.

If it does grab one of your princesses don't worry: the Chaser has a fatal flaw that Flim, Flam, or King Sombra never thought about: a fridge magnet! Using one of the overpriced fridge magnets that flim and flam sell at their vending machines, you can make it spit your princess out if you act quickly enough.

Big changes:

  • -Stimulant has been removed from the vendors (and also has been made useless for the time being. Exploring some other possibility.)
  • -If you use a drone nullifier quickly enough after becoming drone level 4, you can save your princess (theoretically)
  • -Added the Chaser, to fuck up your speedrunning plans
  • -Depending on the state afflicted, your character's portrait and sprite will change (Holy shit!) Drone sprites and portrait coming later


Too many to remember all of them but the ones I can remember:

  • -the sombra/luna gallery entry should no longer just turn your screen black.
  • -Droned Cadance should now appear in encounters.
  • -Debuffs (a la hypno) should work properly and decrease your princess' attack
  • -Flim and Flam Dignity Kit now removes naked state

in the background:

-sometimes the distractions kick in and I work on the maid and vampire levels behind the scenes.

To do:

  • -Ai bugfixes as needed (please report unusual/repetitive enemy behavior)
  • -Draw stuff for the maid levels
  • -Draw stuff for the interactive Drone Game Over (and don't forget to ask if people want their OC's seen in this zone.

I haven't had time to give it the thorough test it deserves, let me know if anything goes wrong with it and I'll fix it up as soon as I can. But I have to return to streams tomorrow so it might take some time.


PrincessRescue_Windows.rar 399 MB
40 days ago
PrincessRescue_Linux.rar 405 MB
40 days ago

Get Princess Rescue


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Is it normal that the door animation for the Chaser capturing a princess doesn't play?

shit did I forget to put that together?

will there be checkpoints and enemy respawning mechanics? currently the drones seems would not respawn after clearing a floor,  it's hard to find enemies when I'm trying to make the princesses defeated

I don't quite know how to do that. If you're trying to make your princesses defeated, you should use the "princess catcher" from the vending machine.

princess catcher seems makes the princess defeated permanently, or is me still not find the right way to revive the princesses?

there's a place on the second floor that has big neon versions of the princess' cutie marks where you retrieve them.

thx, i thought it was for droned princesses only

oh wait, did you mean captured princesses? There's a prison on the first floor at the top


and what i actually wanting to do is fighting a droned princess, but since the most enemy is cleared it is hard to find droned princess 


The drone technician still uses Rut on princesses who are in the blowjob state when he should be using Fuck Mouth instead.

I think "fuck mouth" is the intended mechanic to START the blowjob. Unless I'm mistaken?

Sorry, I may have meant "Rut Mouth". There's both a "Fuck Mouth" skill, and a "Rut Mouth" skill.
The animation was labeled "Fuck Mouth", so I assumed the skill that called it would be labeled the same since the animation that the "Rut" skill calls was labeled "Rut". So if it was "Rut Mouth" that I had meant, then same deal. The point is that the drone technician is using "Rut" on princesses with blowjob status when he should be using whichever skill calls the animation labeled "Fuck Mouth".

oh yeah...


I'm already bent over and ready. ~