Devlog 2/10/2025: Here's your tentacles

It can't be a bondage game without tentacles. So I drafted concept art of tentacled servants of King Sombra*

*- or do they really serve him or something else?

I've started sprite work on the Maid Enemies. You know what's ironic? Out of all the tasks for RPGmaker devlopment, I find spritework to be the most gruelling. And it's odd because I've been working with pixels for like 14 years. You'd think I'd be used to this kind of stuff by now. 

I've recently learned how to make new outfits via switching the actors. So I need to draw maid outfit battlers too. I don't think I have any ready yet, but you can have this. Vampire luna as a maid. She is the bringer of nightmares, death, and cookies on sundays.

That is all. Discord Delenda Est!

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nice can't wait to see them.